2day is our danish bosses birthday. he's a really nice fellow w a nice face n an irresistable smile. mariane has officially declared him her husband, coming into class in the morning swooning sorg2 mcm minah senget! anyway! she found out today was his bday n while we were walking to d pantry she saw him in his office. dia punye lah gedik w xcitement! we dared her to go wish him happy bday n dier dgn slambe bapaknye walked up to him dgn hair flips nyer n went..lauge...happy bday!!!kitorg yg kt luar ni yg lari berterabur malu ok! so comel!! den we sang happy bday for him..satu class ok bkn kitorg je...n had cake!! ni pics kitorg w d cake..or rather, wat was left of it..forever k nk dpt gamba yg ader kepala dan ader mariane dan ader cake..enjoy!
Yesterday I went to work and after passing the damansara toll remembered I left my purse at home! If I were to patah balik to get it, id have to go thru KJ which, at dat time would b like going into a shoe sale whr 5 people are clamouring for the same bloody shoe in the same bloody size. Not a good situation to be in trust me. So I decided to go straight to d office after talking to my dad who agreed it was best I avoid the hassle o going thru the horrendous jam. Pas2! Dah almost smpai kak in called asking me whr I left my purse. Cari punye cari rupenye wen I went out d nite before, I stuffed it back into the wrong handbag. Pastu! Rupenye papa sgt sweet…he wanted to come n send me my purse..kt cyber k!! which is so far its like another country! We had a test dat day. Mase tgh test my parents arrived w cakbina who was initially sleeping pas2 bgn . Sempat pulak tuh nk amek gamba. So thanx to my wonderful papa, I xsekse hidup takut kene tahan polis n kene saman or worse tangkap terus sabab xde ic. Do dey do dat? I dowan to find out kot. Oh n during earth hour I went out w affiq to uptown. At 830 sharp I looked out d window n saw most..well practically all the shops were still pretty well lit save for the 3 boutiques dat I wanted to go to. Dengki tau. I came home n my dad came out w a torchlite n comel sgt, had dinner by ikea scented candles. Im ashamed to admit dat I did not shut myself in total darkness, rather, I turned on a small little tiny (ok not so tiny…or small) lite sbab I takottt!!! Ok…tp x on aircond (ok on pkul 9.10pm..) I totally take all this 4 granted sgt kn? Tak sampai 1 jam n im going out o my mind! Oh well…nnti I practice lg..dis is cakbina n I infront o IBM. She just got up from her morning nap hence d grumpy face. p/s: Please feel better earth..we had an hour just for u!
Sabrina has figured out the use of her legs and now wants to do nothing but stand. thing is, she cant really stand without someone holding her up. agak penat la biler kene pegang dier all d time! but she's oh so cute!!! jerit jerit buat cute in hopes that someone might cair n pick her up. well...it works everytime! irresistable ok! mama na loves u cakbina!!
this pic was from d day before yesterday wen it was pouring in the morning on d way to work. just after the klia exit from shah alam (on d flyover) d road was covered w a foam like substance giving it a light snow-covered look. terus takut nk speed walaupon lambat...ntah2 lori sabun terbalik x?
-i wish i was taller so i wouldnt have to drag a stool to get the shoe box way up there -i wish i could sing -i wish i had the courage to try acting in theater -i wish the world to be a better place -i wish people were genuinely nice -i wish my new shoes werent scuffed -i wish sabrina wud stay a baby forever -i wish i had the will power to go to the gym everyday, or at least every other day -i wish i could afford to buy shoes everyday! -i wish things were different -i wish to be free of guilt -i wish i cud run in the rain without worry of my hair or my clothes
sometimes in life you have to make choices that will make or break your future. when that time comes, you will have to make life altering decisions and it wont be easy, far from it. people will tell you to listen to your head not your heart. but as the saying goes, easier said then done. emotions are tricky things. i never expected to have to make such a decision so early in life. alas, it's my fate and i duly accept it. gotta work tomorrow. hittin d sack early to avoid bgn lambat or worse, xbgn! gnite peeps. may d world be less sakit after eath hour sabtu ni. amin.
harini pkai black dress w black panty hose thingy. mule2 pkai leggings xde feet..so casual...pastu pkai tights yg cover half o my feet...casual lg la..settled on panty hose dat covered sumer dr waist saaaaampai toes..baru ok...weird how a tiny bit o cloth can alter our entire ensemble kn?
i went to 3 weddings during the weekend..not as guests mind u..i ran around all three as minah bunga telur, registration girl, translator (bride mat salleh), mc and baby sitter. tp xde gamba 1 pon..xsmpat amek la.. penat gils! i dreader getting up this morning..nk ponteng sgt2! tp...baru start..kene la tunjuk smangat sket kn..carol is teaching us abt something or other up thr n my tummy is rumbling, counting the minutes to lunch. sabrina had her 1st solid food this morning! her mama was upstairs sleeping so grandmama dier slipped her some banana..goreng pisang ok! but none o d oil or crusts la..kot..pas2 dier terus hyper ketawe jerit2 xberenti! comel! i just came to know o this new singer. i dont know if uve heard o him. he's indonesian, his name is afghan..as in afghanistan..haha! xde lah. but his voice is beautiful! d voice o an angel i always say. pls pls check him out. ngantuk lah..*sniff sniff* seseme jgak...sian dier..ok later peeps..i need to identify stuff online i wanna abeskn my gaji on!
i got a new job! as of d 10th of march i began my new career in the HR dept of IBM at cyberjaya. jauh giler or wat?? i commute each day in my trustee cik kum (name manje myvi yg berupa bentuk spt kumbang) and dirve tersengguk-sengguk...so sleepy tau..ill begin working officially on the 1st of april. as of now, im in training. we are trained by 3 mat salleh ladies who are super nice n comel. carol kirchberg n julie harder from the US and nicole van heygen from belgium. d things we learn are so very diff from wat im used to doing (ie anything masscomm la kn). i admit its rather hard keeping up n at times i find myself staring blankly at the instructors, dlm kepala imagine nicholas cage in the final scene of con air whr he was reunited with his wife n daughter..ade kene mengene x???but im glad to have gotten dis job. so hard to come by these days kn. anyhoos! i got a new laptop! its bim issued n i guess wud b mine till i leave the company den i hv 2 return it. but in d meantime..its mine!!tp x xcited sgt...its not pretty or anything..plain black je..tp kecik! n expensive k...been off blogging for so long sbab busy sgt! but now dat ive got my company issued laptop i tink ill b updating my blog more often kot..ill try too..watch this space! mwah