i am officially no longer a twitter virgin.. so ketinggalan zaman kn.. i knooo... make malu ony!pastu xcited lebih every hour nk update.. get a life janna.. ppl dowan to kno wat ur up to every second.. ok bt i cant help it.. fb's been blocked at d ofc.. aaaaaa... ooooo... my life is overr!!! ok sile jgn drama sgt.. bt really.. sedih k.. n it makes the hours seem so much longer den it was before.. weve had cakbina over for the past 3 days n im so loving dat little dim sum so muchh!! weve jst realised how tiny she really is.. she's goin into her 7th month and she still wears 3 month old baby clothes.. sgt kecik k.. n shes got large feet bt tiny ankles so her shoes keep slipping off.. ok dat n d fact dat she loves kicking them off!kecik tp soooo kenot duduk diam okk!! its sooo memenatkn to chase after her every minute o d day coz she just cant sit still! wen she's crawling about she's constantly on d look out for stuff to put in her mouth, or knocking her head sumwhr, or chasing sheeba si tua yg takut dgn dia bcoz she makes loud sounds. n wen she's in her walker she's banging into everything she can hit. mcm bumper car! her fav food now are remotes.. astro remote, air cond remote, tv remote, dvd remote, u name it she loves it! she likes handphones for dessert. she seems to find pleasure in covering them in drool n bite on them w her toothless gums n spitting dem out and biting on dem.. again... n again... n again..im so in love w herr!!dis is her w her fav dessert food
Dis is a vid o me laughing at her hair, n her laughing at me laughing at herim so in love w little hors o' dourve nihh!!
* mak dia chef so she will always be associated w little2 cute foods