Friday, February 18, 2011

Make me up make up man!

theres an old wives tale that if u have a bad dream, u have to tell it to people so it wouldnt happen. kn?? ke jgn tell? i think its tell.. so im telling!!

I have had this recurring nightmare it like 5-6 times since my merisik. its always in different situations but always the same horrible thing. it'll be my wedding day, and everyone will be busy doing wedding stuff, ill be in my wedding dress.... and my make up artist doesnt show up and i look all splotchy from crying over my missing make up artist and my hair is a tangled mess nobody can fix. i always wake up with my heart beating fast. everytime. and i would doa to god to pls pls pls let thr be no problems with my make up artist- for all three occasions.

a fren of mine once said. it doesnt matter how shabby a wedding is, but a bride must always stand out from everyone else. and i agree wholeheartedly. other then our life after marriage, what im really looking forward to is me getting all dolled up on our wedding day. i mean when else wud i get away with THAT much make up?? ok other then reading but that doesnt make me look pretty and princessy

but these nightmares are evil. i guess my subconscious is telling me that in my head, my make up artist is about as important as the juru-nikah. i hope hope hope all the horror stories i have heard of brides looking horrible on their wedding day and of make up artists calling in sick stay just as what they are- a bad dream.

** uber ugly image googled

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