1 week 6 days!! omigosh!! feels like thrs so much to do but i dont know whr to start!! im so disorganized!! my wedding organizer is god knows whr! i carried it arnd in my bag arnd jakarta in the early few months then my bag got heavy with the million other essential stuff that it seemed safer for my posture if it just stayed in my room/car/ofc drawer. now im really not sure whr it is....
n it irks me so much that msians are useless when it comes to RSVP-ing!! so far only 30% of the guests hv reverted back to me. my brain feels like its in a constant block. and i think i have amnesia. like i was super excitedly telling jj about sumtin n he flatly went- weve had this exact conversation yesterday. dont u remember?? n the thing is that i dont! i have no recollection at ALL about it!- or mayb he's just messing w my head... hurmm... but this has happend a few times w friends as well. i seriously need to get my head togather...
my babes threw me a surprise shower last weekend which i will write about in the next pose. it was wonderful! i wish nat could have been thr tho :)
sneak preview of what is to come :p