Thursday, September 3, 2009

the day the ocean turned pink

the chinese have this belief that your luck changes every 5 years.. meaning if youve had 5 sucky years.. the next 5 would be bliss..

so far.. ive been blessed with a blessedly blissfull life... up till last year that is... when my world turned upside down and all that i have taken for granted came crashing down like perfectly coiffed hair in the rain.. washed away.. leaving behind traces and clumps of hair spray that only made things worse..

im speaking in metaphores coz actually writing or even thinking of the reality makes me cringe and wonder... wat the hell went wrong whr??

since my luck went downhill beginning last year.. im hoping and praying it will NOT last till the year 2012..


i need change...

i need to feel a sense of belonging and actual understanding of what im doing and my purpose in life.

im a planner..

i plan things before executing them..

be it going on a trip or simple everyday tasks..

i like planning...

planning is good...

i had my entire life planned out before me..

*note the past tense

things change..

or to put ir more crudely, shit happens!

shit did in fact happen

i still consider myself lucky

plus a little alteration in the plan wouldnt hurt anyone.. rite?


  1. *big HUG!!!!!!!!*

    u have your family by your side, and his family coming together for him too...AND now you have more wonderful friends in IBM to share your time with =) and of course cakbina, and ME..heee...

    when one thing is taken from you, HE gives you in return better things

    btw, i raya kat sini!!!!!!!!

  2. thanx aunty dayah.. mama na loves u ok.. its just difficult sometimes...

    wakk!! kite raye kt kedah!! nnti dtg umah okkk!! c cakbina!!
