A girls thoughts of the ups and down, pinks and blues and the circles and squares of life
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
wishing n hoping
i need some sorta push to keep me going...
just a little bit more...
i need new shoes..
im always in need of new shoes..
esp wen i need a boost
i get butterflies in my tummy wenever i think of next year
so much possibilities are opening up
i sure hope all goes well
please please b good to me 2010
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
ok ok i know its been forever!! but so much has been going on n i sgt xde masa
i feel like a salt shaker sumtimes... shake shake shake!! sumer terbalik2 ok
i might be in for a HUGE career change soon..
i dont know if im doing the right thing but in life u gotta take some risks rite?
next year is gonna be a whole new chapter for me!
i so hope its gonna be great!
hello 2010, be good to janna ok?
we had cakbina's bday earlier dis month!
can u believe she's a year old alreadyy???
kak in made this spectacular castle cake!!
she was rather disappointed w it, pillars jatuh la, colour xcantik la- i dont know.. i was mighty impressed by it!!
anything that is homemade and is taller then birthday girl gets my vote!
i dont have pics tho...
i meant to transfer it from my now penuh giler cam but havent got around to doing it!
note to self- tlg la transfer pics!! its full to d brim u cant take anymoree new pics!!
on another note- i went on a teambuilding organised by IBM at pullman putrajaya recently
Ohemgee!! i discovered so much abt myself!!
like how tebal muka i can b! esp wen in desperation!! i practically robbed a contractor of his ladder! n forced a hotel worker to give me his big huge blue basin!!
nk win punye pasal...
but it wasnt in vain!!
we won 3rd place!!
granted we werent champions but we were the ONLY all girls team AND there were like 24 teams altogather!!
how great are we???
we also had to eat a cabbage, 2 garlic cloves, a bittergourd, and a HUGE onion!- all raw mind u!!
gross okkk!!
that was all part o a 'ala amazing race challenge' dat we won 3rd place!!
n i also scored 3 goals for my team in one o d challenges!!
who wud hv thot i could even get one goal? let alone 3?
b4 kickin d ball we had to place our forehead on a short pole n spin around it 7 times
n as soon as u angkat ur forehead, u has 5 seconds to kick d ball
so nxt time i play futsal, i shall spin around a pole w my forehead stuck to it 7 times..
den mayb i get a score or two
and did i mention we won 3rd place??
i curik dis 2 photos off my cousins fb
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
bimbo & me
oh rupe nye dah load.. eheh.. just had to scroll down the page..
which genius did their website??
whole page blank tibe2 ader tab's kecik sgt kt baawaaaaaaaaaaah skali
ok fine website dia mmg officially bodoh sgt..
im thinking i need to get more clothes..
n new shoes..
the best teraphy in d world is retail teraphy
well for me at least
works like a charm
for a while nyway
its my drug of choice
i feel like goin crazy sometimes..
i so need to get away!!
sape nk ikut!??
jom pg far far away!?
papa wont allow me to go
says i get sick to often
i do not
ok mayb..
im working on it tho..
n im also eating too much..
n i havent been to d gym in almost two weeks...
turning into a blob..
of fat...
blogging about stupid insignificant things like my need for shopping so makes me feel like a bimbo yg xde kerja ok..
but i promise i got kerja...
lots o it to boot...
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
taking flight
many a time i logged in and clicked the 'new post' tab and stared at the screen, willing my brain to churn out words but none came
tutup balik...
esok bukak lagi...
still nothing...
not that i have nothing to tell coz i do
lots has happ
not all good...
theres just been an over dose of drama in my life lately
one i wish i can run away from
driving to work every morning i contemplate not taking the cyber exit, instead, i wanna go straight to klia, book the next flight out to anywhr and just go! be spontaneous!
then i would think about how i dont have any clothes! n make up! shoes! toiletteries!
omg how to survive!
i take the exit every morning wishing i was sumwhr else
i wish i had d guts tho...
on another note
cakbina's walking!!!
omg besar nye dia!!
ok fine she falls after 5 steps bt she's grown so muchh!!!
n sgt gorgeous!!
not to mention nottyy!!
she hid kak in's broadband d other day, under d tv cabinet... n d aircond remote b4 dat, in d pillow cover... n then kak in's house keys
sgt comel ok!
she will mke sure no ones watching.. den hide d stuff... den reverse sket... see if its still visible... if it is.. she will reposition it.. klu x she'll crawl away w her padded tushee yg mcm nk gigit tuh!
tibe2 headache
love all
Monday, October 12, 2009
over d weekend
pls watch it! bt leave ur men at home.. dis is one u should def watch w ur girlfrens
saturday started w me being a total couch potato or rather a bed potato? since i refused to get outta bed till 230 at noon.
den went out for a bit o shopping (i got new quilt set!)
den went for a movie w nenah pastu discovered we had an hour an a bit to kill b4 d movie
so we headed to uptown for a massage omg best sgt!
pastu kne marah ngn d org getting a massage in d room opposite o us..
ok fine.. cranky kot?
ok yeah we were
wen we finally shut up (after 2 kali kne sound) dia kot yg bising!!
snored like an elephant!!
our massage ended at 7pm n our movie was at 705
we still managed 2 buy popcorn n hot dogs
bt we missed d beginning o d show.. ok promise lapar kot after massage??
had drinks w d girls at curve after dat
sunday morning saw me heading down to d gym w nenah
disspointed sbb pagi2 bute
pg weekend is made for staying and languishing in bed
bt felt super healthy after dat!
tp penat kot burning fat while laughing!??!
this just in!!
mary just sed my bum looks big!!
my life is over!!!
m gonna go bury myself alive kt plot sbelah ofc ni...
gudbye world...
Monday, October 5, 2009
random thots inside my head
freshly cut grass and ubat nyamuk coil brings me back to dusk at kampung wen i was a little girl
joy mango juice means travelling on an airplane coz they always serve that
grey coloured pencils always used to make me dizzy for some reason
my school was really big wen i was growing up... i went by d other day n it seemed to have shrunk
weetbix makes me gag till today.. a result of having been forced by papa to down it every morning wen i was 7
froot loops used to make me happy... nowadays i find it a lil too citrusy
i loved d mary janes with frilly socks phase.. so cute!!
i ate fish fingers a lot
i lost all my polly pocket dolls.. tinggal d clam shaped rumah je..
my hair was as curly as sue..
but they grew up
my tummy hurts..
and im off to d gym!
ok xde kene mengene...
just random thots..
thank god d day is over i cant wait to get back!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
That time of year again...
and share stories of our childhood...
when the toilet is forever occupied...
and there is never a free plug to charge our phones...
when sleeping space becomes a story o survival...
when old albums are dragged out to laughters of big hairs, how skinny ppl were and how funny ppl dressed..
its dat time o year again...
when family is all that matters...
and im loving every single second o it!
i hope u r too :)
big huggggs all round!!!
Selamat hari raya
Friday, September 18, 2009
hello rumah tok!
we arrived in kedah in d wee hours o d mrning today!!
aaahh.. d smell o freshly mowed grass mixed w early morning dew is just heavenly!
reminds me o my childhood days running around rumah tok xcited giler panjat pokok rambutan pastu kne marah sbb baju kotor
we drove thru d nite- or rather, mama did, since im not allowed to drive papa's car- ok fine kecik ati mase post lain ok. anyway, we actually planned to stop over in penang to hv d ever so famous nasi bratoq for sahur
alas, midnite plans to bertolak turned to 3 am and nasi beratoq became mcd eaten in the car. we couldnt even stop as all the R&R's were full n jammed up.
even road shoulders were full as ppl stopped to have sahur.
anyway! we werent complaining. i luff mcd!
so now here we are! mama n d bro's have fallen asleep. i kne berkebun dulu ok
anyway.. sad news, papa is gonna b working thru raya :( he will be celebrating eid this yr alone in LA :( so so sad
i found out last month tp sedih sgt nk cite..
ok darlings kite dh ngantuk..
now i can slumber peacefully knowing my pinapple and avocado plants have been harvested n tended to.
btw im talking about farmville ok
pls go get urself a farm if you dont already own one. n if u do., pls dun let ur plants wither n die. kesian ok
ok obsession alert
u babes have a wonderful day ok
n last but not least,
I would like to wish all a Happy Hari Raya, and mintak maaf dr hujung rambut saaaampaiiii la ujung stiletoes i ok..
sayang forever!!
Monday, September 14, 2009
a series o wonderful events!
the occasion was nat's bday- granted its overdued. bt better late den never ey?
everyone was talking at the same time omg bising giler!! n promise xdgr ape org lain tgh ckp ok!!
nat's expecting so we were all flocking around her like a bunch o idiots holding her tummy and yg terlebih ngong siap ngaku can feel d baby kicking
hello? br 3 bulan kot? hahahah!! comel!! ok promise i akn lari if d baby can kick already..
oh cop before pg curve... we (lamarijanna & gang) went to our 1st ever indian wedding!! our collegue preetha got hitched last nite
They broke fast at my place and boy were we glad we dcided to do jst dat!
omg d line at the buffet table was so long!!
so we didnt mkn
bole x g wedding xmkn???
ok sbenarnye dah melantak like thrs no tomorrow at my place so dah kenyang sgt
got home late n so xcukup tdo maka grumpy at work plus flu n puasa and theory mary ckp flu makes u hungry makes me a very misrable girl today.
bg germs agn amek amek!!
Friday, September 11, 2009
dr shepard?? i kindda need u
im down w flu..
n the inside o my ear itches
dat plus lastnites battle scars o cramps n aches from the gym..
i dont feel so good..
so glad to c the weekend horizon
oh how i miss u!!
*sniff sniff*
wat i wanna do is curl into a ball and hide under the covers while some heavenly soul brings me a cup o hot chicken noodle soup.. omg best nye...
*xcuse me while i wallow in self pity*
bt u guys have a wonderful day ok
amek germs sumer org!!!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
sweating it out
i did it!!
i finally finally set foot whr i havent for the past 7 months!!
i finally got my ass back in the gym!!
yeay janna!!
i had an asthma attack within 10 mins o doing d glider thingy...
had to take a break (after 10 mins??? apakah??) and drink hot water coz i forgot to bring my inhaler oopsie
i ran on the treadmill for wat seem like forever den wen i looked down at the screen... calories burned- 43.
sparuh mati kott???
n i burned like... one french fry from the large order i had???
*kecik ati*
i did sit ups n i kno im gonna regret it in the morning wen im sore and cramped all over..
ye lah pg stahun skali!!
badan terjejut kott???
hopefully ill b more disciplined this time around..
good luck meee!!!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
the daylight's fading slowly
i took me almost three hours to get to work today... i arrived frazzled and disturbed.. a shadow of my chirpy freshly blown hair happy self wen i left home...
sum pipe decided today was the day it was gonna burst resulting in a water fountain making an appearance in the middle o d highway at seri kembangan.
i was stuck at the puchong toll for an hour!!
one whole hour!!
one whole hour of singing like a cat on heat, bitching on d phone, doing my
one whole hour wasted..
n dat was only at the toll!
took nearly two hours to move 2 inches at a time to be diverted to dis small jln in front o a petronas *whr i stopped to refuel*
lepas petronas omg d jln was so clear!!
it was so xciting to b driving w no obstacles!
to not have to jam on the brakes every second!
it made me feel so alivee!!!
i left at 715 in the morning and reached the office at 945..
two hours forty five mins..
i could be in melaka pigging out on glorious baba nyonya fare rite now..
or happily going thru a plate o chicken rice in ipoh...
but no!
im squinting my eyes trying to decipher a req yg xikut format!!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
miracle weekend
i was using the old blogspot pre-set previously, n i so wanted to do
but i do noww!!
clever girl!!
im so IT challenged!!
twas a wonderful relaxing weekend for me :)
and also a rather emotional one
i mended a 14 year friendship, sumtin i should have done sooner
and im gonna b maid of honour at her upcoming wedding!- a childhood promise we made to each other way back..
before boys.. before the stress of studies... jobs... and life...
weve got so much to catch up on!!
bt im glad it happened..
and im so thankful for that river of mascara tears in the middle of a crowded restaurant that was my calling..
my darlings!!
thank u nenah luff u forever cik man k!!
n didi!!
i missed u!!!
main actors dan extra sorg kt tgh2 tu yg mcm tgk spanish telenovela nangis xabes den siap bole ckp 'korg... kuat sket... xdgr..'
Sunday, September 6, 2009
its dat time o month..
im not fasting...
and life is great :)
ive done nothing but watch back to back episodes o greys anatomy that is long over dued.
ive been sitting in cakbina's mini one seater sofa that i dragged into my room w my eyes glued to d screen-
with intervals every 5 mins to run down and raid the fridge i kid u not.
theres a certain happiness i feel wen i eat in the daytime..
and a certain excitement wen im eating at daytime during fasting month..
a rush o adrenalin..
i dont think i ate this much in the day at normal times
its like ive never eaten before..
its embarassing really...
but im so gonna cherish this 6 days of bliss im gonna have..
and milk it for all its worth..
dont u just wanna bite her nose off?
i know i do :)
Friday, September 4, 2009
raya came early this year!
over x?? mama dia pon bj xmatching ngn dia, mama na yg gedik nk baju same..
ok bt i swear she looks so cute in bj kurungg!!!
can u say mini makcikk??!!
chilling w mama na- ok sebenarnye she's looking at a vid of her on my phone.. gedik tau.. - muke nk cam chucky plak tu..
Thursday, September 3, 2009
The orphan... dan fopcorn
we watched the orphan lastnite.. my frens were rather disappointed by it bt hey- it was a horror film and i was scared plenty so im not complaining..
this little girl named esther is an orphan who was adopted by a nice family who unfortunately lost a baby girl due to miscarriage..
she started off all sweet and perfect, she curtsies btw.. before she blooms into a full blown psycho killer
she goes on to kill the nun who cared for her at the orphanage so cruely and actually made her new 4 year old deaf sister help her pull the body off the road.. she killed the nun w a hammer ok.. kate psycho..
ok sape yg plan nk pg tgk dis movie stop reading here pls
anyway! omg sebenarnye minah ni is a psycho killer who's not a child at all!! she's got sum rare hormone defect sumtin or other that prevents her from growing like a normal person..
so she looks like a nine year old but in actual fact, she's actually 33!!! omg tua giler minah psycho kecik nihh!! she escaped from this mental hospital in russia n has been killing all her adoptive family!
she also came on to all of her adoptive dads.. who all died btw.. lesson here is always listen to ur wife.. do not dismiss her as an alcoholic who cannot think straight.. tgk.. kn dah mati! c whr ur stupid ego got u?? 6 feet under!! *ok jgn emo pls*
sgt suspen ok...
the minah seated beside mary screamed at every turn o d movie n her bf kept clicking his tongue in disapproval... bukak pintu pon nk jerit apakah???
mary dealt w her suspense a lil differently... she gobbled down an entire large popcorn (or fopcorn according to yam) sorg2 okk!! sbb treasure nye pasal...
mary slept over..
krn movie ni we got up late for sahur...
and was late for work..
*ok gamba xde kene mengene w anything bt dhanush was babling on n on about how i dun hv her pic up on my blog... now i do okk!!* mwah
the day the ocean turned pink
the chinese have this belief that your luck changes every 5 years.. meaning if youve had 5 sucky years.. the next 5 would be bliss..
so far.. ive been blessed with a blessedly blissfull life... up till last year that is... when my world turned upside down and all that i have taken for granted came crashing down like perfectly coiffed hair in the rain.. washed away.. leaving behind traces and clumps of hair spray that only made things worse..
im speaking in metaphores coz actually writing or even thinking of the reality makes me cringe and wonder... wat the hell went wrong whr??
since my luck went downhill beginning last year.. im hoping and praying it will NOT last till the year 2012..
i need change...
i need to feel a sense of belonging and actual understanding of what im doing and my purpose in life.
im a planner..
i plan things before executing them..
be it going on a trip or simple everyday tasks..
i like planning...
planning is good...
i had my entire life planned out before me..
*note the past tense
things change..
or to put ir more crudely, shit happens!
shit did in fact happen
i still consider myself lucky
plus a little alteration in the plan wouldnt hurt anyone.. rite?
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
got my head in the clouds
yesterday was the worstest day in my history o working at ibm... if such a word even exist.. we normally get an average of about 10-15 requests a day.. yesterday... we got 26!!! since mon was a public holiday, the req has been building up.. to make matters worse.. half o our team were either on mc or EL.. apakah??? buat keje smpai nk muntah kot??!!
anyway! todays looking much better! only 4 req's so far! fingers crossed it wont multiply too much!
tonite's berbuka will b w d babes... n 2 dudes! D- la's husband... n nadom- basicaly babe jgak lah!
im at a point in my life where im just too tired to think of possibilities or change... tho i so desperately need it!
im so head over heels in love w cakbina!! she can clap n move her body to music now.. but were still waiting on her first tooth... gigi... whr are yoouuuuuu??? she also finds it pretty amusing to slap my cat around...

perempuan yg xreti2 stop mkn.. c how tembam her pipi is?

butt shaped kuih at padang besar

papa's bday is tomorrow!

dats a bug btw... a gold coloured bug... magnificent kn??

my fav cousin in d whole wide world!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
mommy n me
ok janna sgt buta IT okk!! i thot sumtin was wrong w my blog rupe nye it was set on html instead o compose.. *hides under bed sbb so malu*
anywayy!! last week mom n i went back to kedah to have a b4 puasa rendezvous w aunties n my fav cousin!! well n papa wasnt arnd so freedommm!! hahaha
omg we ate so so muchh!! but i forgot to take most o d pics coz i was too busy digging in!!
peanuts i likeee at.. i 4got the name o d RR..
heaven in penang...
can u even see my rice?? coz i couldnt...
mamak w our bill... besar okk!! siap ada chalk lgg!!
omg these are soooo divineee!!! bt took my cholestrol level up 17 levelss!!
rambutan fr toks treee!! the one i used to climb on when i was a kid :)
mama i love!
gorgeous tampoi fruits
omg the dip was so so so sedappp!! paired w d increadibly sour mempelam.. omg... pengsan...
ikan 3 rasa at danok! yumm
this super sedap sambal belacan is the best i ever had!! has great laxative effects too!!
kerabu sotong!! need i say more?? ive never had one that wasnt good
i love u ma..
Monday, August 17, 2009
Hajime Japanese Restaurant
had a wonderful dinner lastnite at hajime at jln damai. i have wanted to try out this place for the longest time! finally went lastnite!
ok i am never... EVER going back to peasant japanese cuisine... u know... genki... sushi king... like eeewww... hahaha!! snob!!
bt seriously... lastnite spoiled it for me...
we started off with the common california handroll... dat was wen i died n went to japs food heaven..

i finally got to try sea urchin!! ive been dying to try this since foreverr!!! it has a naturally sweet taste... not overly fishy... bt even a first timer like me could tell its not really fresh... bt who cares! i finally kno wat sea urchin tastes like!!

d grilled mackeral is TO DIE FOR!! seriously.. ask for salt instead o teppanyaki sauce which i imagine would overwhelm the original sweetness o the fish which was oh-so-fresh! it has a super fatty taste and goes xtremely well w a squeeze o lemon.

this is the golden dragon maki which is salmon n prawns wrapped in rice and a layer o avocado n eel... promise sedapp sgt!

this i didnt particularly fancy tho it has received rave reviews from other food bloggers. its called the california cheese maki.i didnt think the taste o cheese and unagi blended all dat well.. but then again dats just me. it is said to be 'orgasmic'

sashimi was super duper fresh!! im not crazy about sashimi bt this one melts in the mouth i tell u!!

Grilled hotatei (scallops) in special garlic sauce... omg pengsan...

i love kaki fried! i order it everytime i go for japs! its oysters normally fried in batter n breadcrumbs but here they wrapped it in bread n deep fried it.. super sinful in taste...

d only downside is their lack of dessert.. i ordered the coralweed jelly ball coz i love coralweed bt they were out.. so i went for their macha ice cream n mochi... macha ice cream was fab.. bt their mochi wasnt all that great...maybe it was the chestnut powder it was covered in? i dont know.. just didnt hit the spot.. i forgot to take a pic o d mochi

wonderful wonderful dinner. will definitely return again for their mackeral n kaki fried and try more new things!
* i charged my dslr the nite before n relised i left it at home two mins upon arrival... smart or wat??
- was reduced to using my cam phone which rendered me blind after 3 red eye shots... i saw green spots till after dessert..
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Weeeee are the CHAMPIONSSS!!!!
we wonnnn!!!!!
fun does not begin to describe it!!! i went crazy mad!! hilang control segala bagai bt it was all worth it!!
ok janna get over urself..
ok pls tgk vid ni sorry its senget!!
u have to watch the last part whr im trying to guess wat Q pei is trying to say omg nk pengsan kottt!! she looked at me n sed "a diamond is????" n i screamed "my bestfrennnn!!!!"
hahahaah so much funn!!1
tomorrow im goin to plaza for a more intense session w ppl from IBM plaza, maxis, IBM tmn tun (vads), KJ, mane lg ntahh...
wish me luckkk!!!! omggg!!! treasure (pressure) kott!!!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
jane's sale!!
i came home today to find a new bureau sitting in my room... i already have two.. plus a cupboard... plus d tv stand... my room feels like a furniture shop.. in order to reshuffle.. i gotta make space!
so im letting some stuff go..
this has never been worn before. super comfy though because its kain so def no blistered foot ok. bought at eclipse. letting go for RM 25. size 38
never worn. love the studs! letting go for RM20. size 38
worn twice. hush puppies. as hush puppies shoes go- very comfy! letting go for RM35. size 38
this baby is gorgeous! bought at nichii. c the sulam detail. gorgeous kn! letting go for 35. size 38
this one i really love! so so cute! bought for RM180 while on holiday in johannesburg. GAP. worn once. have to let go as it has pig skin lining at the heel. leather. letting go for RM 60. size 37.
if you are interested in any o the items above. please email me at janna_syariza@yahoo.com ok? thank u!