Wednesday, October 28, 2009

taking flight

ive been procrastinating

many a time i logged in and clicked the 'new post' tab and stared at the screen, willing my brain to churn out words but none came

tutup balik...

esok bukak lagi...

still nothing...

not that i have nothing to tell coz i do

lots has happ

not all good...

theres just been an over dose of drama in my life lately

one i wish i can run away from

driving to work every morning i contemplate not taking the cyber exit, instead, i wanna go straight to klia, book the next flight out to anywhr and just go! be spontaneous!

then i would think about how i dont have any clothes! n make up! shoes! toiletteries!

omg how to survive!

i take the exit every morning wishing i was sumwhr else

i wish i had d guts tho...

on another note

cakbina's walking!!!

omg besar nye dia!!

ok fine she falls after 5 steps bt she's grown so muchh!!!

n sgt gorgeous!!

not to mention nottyy!!

she hid kak in's broadband d other day, under d tv cabinet... n d aircond remote b4 dat, in d pillow cover... n then kak in's house keys

sgt comel ok!

she will mke sure no ones watching.. den hide d stuff... den reverse sket... see if its still visible... if it is.. she will reposition it.. klu x she'll crawl away w her padded tushee yg mcm nk gigit tuh!

tibe2 headache

love all


  1. haha ur cakbina sounds like so adorable!

    pergi la take that exit to klia! and den go buy all the make up and toilettries all at ur new destination! baru spontaneous! do it! hehe

    otherwise, update lah selalu! longs times no read from u.

    whatever drama u might be facing now, i hope ull be alright at d end of d day babes.


  2. "then i would think about how i dont have any clothes! n make up! shoes! toiletteries!"

    buy new ones!!!!...

    aww..cakbina walking...dah la kecik, pastu i think she's a genius in the making...or maybe just notty like you and kak in.. ;P

    hope u doing okay my fwen

    *hugs* *hugs*

  3. hey era,

    thanx. i hope i get d guts to take dat exit one day.. :)


    cakbina super adorable ok! dia jln in reverse now.. she just discovered the art o moving backwards.. i hope im doing fine too

    mwahh to both u wonderful ppl!!

