Monday, October 12, 2009

over d weekend

i had a wonderful weekend! i finally watched the ugly truth!! awesome possum!!

pls watch it! bt leave ur men at home.. dis is one u should def watch w ur girlfrens

saturday started w me being a total couch potato or rather a bed potato? since i refused to get outta bed till 230 at noon.

den went out for a bit o shopping (i got new quilt set!)

den went for a movie w nenah pastu discovered we had an hour an a bit to kill b4 d movie

so we headed to uptown for a massage omg best sgt!

pastu kne marah ngn d org getting a massage in d room opposite o us..

ok fine.. cranky kot?

ok yeah we were super a lil bising...

wen we finally shut up (after 2 kali kne sound) dia kot yg bising!!

snored like an elephant!!


our massage ended at 7pm n our movie was at 705

we still managed 2 buy popcorn n hot dogs

bt we missed d beginning o d show.. ok promise lapar kot after massage??

had drinks w d girls at curve after dat

sunday morning saw me heading down to d gym w nenah

disspointed sbb pagi2 bute xde hot guys weekend so penat la..

pg weekend is made for staying and languishing in bed

bt felt super healthy after dat!

tp penat kot burning fat while laughing!??!


this just in!!

mary just sed my bum looks big!!

my life is over!!!

m gonna go bury myself alive kt plot sbelah ofc ni...

gudbye world...

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