Thursday, June 11, 2009

crazey hazey

D haze is driving me crazy… im goin outta my mind driving to work in the morning n watching the unheathly looking orange sun rise unhappily above the horizon… den im stuck in an air-conditioned room for 8 hours before driving home watching the same sun looking just as sick as it did in the morning…blanketed by a miserable grey haze that smells like smoke and gives me a headache… makes me wanna scream sumtimes!! i took a pic bt apparently haze dun show in camera's..pemalu kot..

On another note, our performance for the IST launch went splendidly! I was a lil sceptical about doing a choral speaking, I mean the last time I heard of it was when I was 15! But we did! N we did well!! It was xactly as I wanted it to be! Short! Funny! Entertaining! N most importantly, not boring… or draggy.. we got a huge round o applause and a standing ovation from our boss Lauge! Performance lain dia x bg standing ovation ok! Hehe!! c me forgetting my lines in d pic below!! haha!! kne refer script!! make shame ony!

Den had lunch at cyberview lodge sumtin or other..x igt.. beautiful place tho! Perfect for a small wedding! Went by shuttle bus the company chartered specially for this event.. naik bus kejap je pon bising giler!- got me thinking.. klu pg trip naik bus reramai msti best gils kn?? Xpe! We have a trip coming up kn girlsss!!!

I need to stop wearing heels that could potentially cause osteoporosis or make me fall flat on my face or break my back.. Seriously. Everynite I come back with this ache at the ball o my feet.. things is… I got myself a lovely pair o flats and they hurt my feet worse then my stilettos! Apakah??

Bt really… I do need to start looking for more sensible shoes or I might I end up w ugly deformed feet in 2 years time if I keep this up.. AAAAAAAA!!! *shrieks and hides under bed and pengsan's thr*!!! Tamo tamo!! ok fine it wont look like dat... kot... pls dont!!! pls pls pls!!! bt its not good.. for my tulang n posture n wateva nots ok.. gross! ok seriously its making me nauseous... im sorry owner of deformed foot...

yea so dats about it! b good peeps! n please... take care o ur feet..pls... c pic above? nuff sed... love lots!! mwah!

* pic of foot courtesy of google


  1. Geox shoes...comfy and chomel...and its a flat..try it....can run in it to chase boss...hahaha

  2. chase boss or run from boss?? run kot...
