Saturday, April 24, 2010

Vietnam 2010

so i was in vietnam earlier this month. mama n i went along w a group o ladies (n 2 men-who accompanied their wives, ksian ok). we didnt really do much sightseeing. shoooooppppping je!! wat do u xpect,  w a busload o ladies. pantang nmpak kedai berebut2 nk masuk!!

i love aircraft food- lamb shank

anyway, we departed on the 9th o april at noon. n it was really hot n dry n dusty wen we arrived.

ok i cant rmember d choronology o d trip but basically we spent d bulk o our time shopping like crazy at ben thanh market.

we bought loads o telekung, n linen mostly, n laquer stuff.

im babysitting a feverish cakbina so ill let d photos do the talking ok

met this lady at d airport~ mama asked to take pic- comel ok pkai kimono

our room. cheap n clean

with d giant tea set bole buat bath tub

making egg shell painting using duck eggs

dats all egg shells


met myja kt ben thanh! have not seen her since last year!! she had a flight thr n we bumped into each oth n got so xcited menjerit mcm org gilerr!!

ok dah xlarat nk tunggu blogspot load pics. have a great weekend darlings!


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