Wednesday, October 20, 2010

provocotive pressies

u know the weddings i went to?

i gave one of the couples a very special gift. to be utilised in private. discreetly. and was never supposed to be opened in public.

i wanted to personally give it to the happy couple but due to many reasons, i cudnt. so i put it along with the others on the mound, but not before whispering to the bride of the contents and warnings of care.

the nx day i got an excited giggly call. turns out the box overturned and the content of it fell out. on to the floor. in the living room. of the grooms home. where his entire extended family. not to mention frens. got an eyeful. and a wonderful conversation about it all.

i thank god i was not thr.

my mistake for not sealing the box. but in my defence. its a pretty pretty box. not meant to be sealed.

oh well.

it would b a good wedding story to tell anyhow.


  1. tagged!!! i didn't know ur also a beloger wan! by the way, what was the pressie? kasi clue skit... *kinky mode on*

  2. hik hik hik. id rather just leave it to ur imagination.

  3. dayah kite xapprove comment awak but yes. u guessed rite. nk pengsan kot!! hehehehe
