Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hari Orientasi

today i had to attend an orientation for new hire's at IBM plaza BU. i was to report there in the morning so i was saved the trouble o driving to d end o d world, otherwise known as cyberjaya, but only for 2day mind u. dah xpayah drive jauh, nk drive dekat pon trus malas! got my adek to drop me off since he's home for a week on study leave ( la sgt!!!). i was sceptical o going in the beginnning. xde fren since i had 2 go alone. this is d 3rd session they're conducting. i had to miss d earlier ones sbb ..ntah..sbab nape ntah...anyway! i went today! its only for a day n i got thr early. i was d 1st to arrive. smpai2 trus on thinkpad (IBM laptop name dier thinkpad ok) sbab dah rindu kwn2 cyber..after a brief introduction by our instructor, we were asked to form a line according to our birthdate's from January to December..without speaking..or writing anything down..hmm...ok i cheated! trus selit2 ckp bday i biler! we got in line pretty accurately save for d few who salah sket2 je..impressive jgak! den we had to answer a bunch o Q's with our team mates which was rather mundane..pas2 last2 d instructor asked each o us to grab a paper n pencil n using ur other tangan (im righthanded so i had to use my left) kene draw a pic o ur dream job at IBM. klaka kottt!! ader yg lukis bumi sbab nk travel..ader lukis shape ape ntah (suppose to b rectagular kot) w dollar signs in dem..ok duit kot..hahaha! i drew a laptop sbab IBM kn (duh!) n me..big head me w stick body (bkn sbab kurus tp sbab xtau draw body) ader passport, LV handbag n chanel shoes!!hahahaha! konon nyer dh pangkat besar n kaya pastu passport sbab nk travel!!!kih kih kih! nk put d gamba but malu...mayb nx time? ok beat...abrupt ending...gudnite..much love to all! mwah!

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