Sunday, May 17, 2009

To do or not to do...

This Weeks To Do List

1. Wash all clothes that needs to be hand washed

2. Wash sheeba si kucing tua or better yet get adek2 to do it!

3. Buy perfect pair o shoes for graduation.. n pls keep it to one n ONLY one...

4. Brace self for crazy workload tomorrow..system was down the entire lastweek.. *scared mcm tunggu giant avalanche*

5. Tlg wash crocs yg mcm suci dlm debu..if only it could talk msti dier maki i si gross...

6. Get the aircond service man to come..aircond man pls pls pls fix my aircond..panas nk pengsan now ok! aircond mcm idup segan mati xmau..pls dun mati!! pls pls pls!! *ok jgn emo*

7. Send clothes for dry cleaning or get someone to do it

8. Look for missing top yg nk pkai mase grad nnti

Byk nyer task for the week ahead... ambitious lg.. bt minor2 things je kot..

Weekends coming to an end...boohooo!!! dun like!! ok like lah! i love my job!! n my frens!! esp my frens!!

Anyway our convocation's coming up, i hope u guys have settled the bill..thank u buck for settling mine n ayuns!!

Cant wait to c MC110's agn on d 1st!!

Luff korgggg!!!


Pics below were taken throughout my years as a mass comm-er at uitm from diploma thru degree... i miss u guyss!!


  1. owh jana, u make me miss those days laa.. :(

  2. aiyaaa me tooo.. am SOO lookin forward to convo.. like superrr lookin forward like gile tak tipuuunye!

  3. waa..gambaq kami tadak pun..
