Saturday, April 4, 2009

You are My Sunshine!

Yesterday was an ok day. Byk keje but our (mine n La’s) username’s ader prob which causes the system to hang after sumtime. We ended up sitting w other colleague’s n konon buat keje sesame. Heehehe. Is it just me or does everything feels slower as ur getting closer to the weekend? Anyway we had a security briefing and learned dis and dat. We had a celebration for carol as she was leaving for the US at midnite lastnite. We had cake! White choc macdamias which urs truly picked :) and walnut brownies. Yumm! Dis is d first Saturday off im having since I started work a month back. No weddings, no outings, no lunches, no nothing!! I wanna stay in my jammies n have chickn wings in bed!! N choc ice cream while watching past episodes of desperate hsewives! Dis is a pic o moi n cakbina in my room in d morning b4 I left 4 work. comel kn kasut dier??nk gigit!!

and this is one of her wen i got back from work

have a great weekend peeps!! b gud n spread d love! mwah!

1 comment:

  1. When i ader takder plak semua nie..makan cake briefing lah.. benci..anyway ur baju kurung almost camouflage(em spelling check takder ker kat sini?)with the bedsheet.. kain lebih ker?hehehhe joking lah..
    u patut cakap baby nie comel mcm
    MAK....... cik dia.. hehehe
