Monday, November 21, 2011

Bedtime stories

I feel so old now.. i can see fine lines running accross my lower eye lids and im alway tired! Hubster commented yesterday about how early i go to bed.. like last night. he was watching tv in our room. he was sitting on the floor and i was sprawled across the bed talking to him. I was getting really sleepy, he was telling me how bored he gets late at night coz he has nobody to talk to. So i felt really guilty coz the night before he made himself a burger at 130am coz he was hungry and his wife was sound sleep- by 10pm! I felt so bad so i told him- ok! im gonna stay up with u tonight n teman u watch the game! he was going all- 'eleh podah lah u'. then he turned around to face me n i was already sound asleep. can u believe it. 1minute and i was gone. Its like magic really.

I probly should move my sleeping time to a lil later. but hey- i gotta be up real early. And its always me who's up 1st n its always me pushing for him to get up. If it wasnt for me, i bet he'd be late for work like everyday. So if i sleep late, itll be bad for both of us!! and those lines aint goin away with inadequate sleep y'all! i think HE should sleep earlier!! that way i wont feel guilty- ANDDD!! no more wrinkles!?! win win situation eyh!! okayy- its a janna win situation but thrs nothing wrong with giving in once in a while eyh!?

1 comment:

  1. Hi there newlywed!!

    How married life so far? :p ehehe!!

    i have the same prob too (before).. nak2 now dah ada baby, mmg cepat btol tido.. niat nak bf anak je then dgn kite2 skali t'tdo..

    n when my hubs complain mcm tu, i asked him to sleep early too so we can have a chit chat on bed together w our son.. hihi! cuma once in a while if ada games mmg xleh nk swuh tdo awal laa sbb mmg TAK kan lah.. :p

    sll dah kite yg tdo awal, of coz la kite yg kne bgn awal.. hmm typical man.. dah tau ada org 'jaga' dia kn.. :p

    man man k.. u guys deal w it..
